Who Played Dodes'ka-Den (1970)

1. Dodes 'Ka-Den | Rotten Tomatoes

  • Young, disabled Roku-chan (Yoshitaka Zushi) spends his days in a fantasy world where he is the captain of an imaginary train, while his mother, Okuni (Kin Sugai) ...

  • A group of impoverished misfits inhabiting a Japanese landfill have experiences that are alternately joyful and disheartening. Young, disabled Roku-chan (Yoshitaka Zushi) spends his days in a fantasy world where he is the captain of an imaginary train, while his mother, Okuni (Kin Sugai), remains in constant prayer, rarely venturing out of her shanty. A homeless man and his child lovingly envision every detail of the home they wish they had money to build, and a mute girl has a tragic encounter.

2. Dodesukaden (Film, 1970) - MovieMeter.nl

  • Drama film geregisseerd door Akira Kurosawa. Met Yoshitaka Zushi, Kin Sugai en Toshiyuki Tonomura.

3. Dodes'ka-den - Dô Desu Ka Den (1970) recensie - Cinemagazine

  • Regie: Akira Kurosawa | 140 minuten | drama | Acteurs: Yoshitaka Zushi, Kin Sugai, Toshiyuki Tonomura, Shinsuke Minami, Yûko Kusunoki, Junzaburo Ban, ...

  • Recensie Dodes'ka-den (Dô Desu Ka Den) (1970), een film van Akira Kurosawa met Yoshitaka Zushi, Kin Sugai, Toshiyuki Tonomura, Shinsuke Minami, Yûko Kusunoki, Junzaburo Ban, Kiyoko Tange, Michio Hino, Keiji Furuyama

4. Dodes'ka-den (1970) directed by Akira Kurosawa - Letterboxd

  • ‎Dodes'ka-den (1970) directed by Akira Kurosawa • Reviews, film + cast • Letterboxd.

  • This film follows the daily lives of a group of people barely scraping by in a slum on the outskirts of Tokyo. Yet as desperate as their circumstances are, each of them—the homeless father and son envisioning their dream house; the young woman abused by her uncle; the boy who imagines himself a trolley conductor—finds reasons to carry on.

5. Dodes'ka-den - Wikidata

  • Kamatari Fujiwara · Kin Sugai · Kunie Tanaka · Jitsuko Yoshimura · Hisashi Igawa · Tatsuo Matsumura · Tomoko Naraoka.

  • 1970 film by Akira Kurosawa

6. Kurosawa, In Order #24 – Dodes'ka-den

7. DODES'KA-DEN (1970) - BFI

  • DODES'KA-DEN (1970). 1970 Japan; Directed by: Akira Kurosawa; Produced by ... Watch film. BFI Player. Watch at home. BFI Southbank. London SE1 8XT. Box office ...

  • Where to begin

8. Dodesukaden (film, 1970) - FilmVandaag.nl

  • Alternatieve titel(s): Dô Desu Ka Den, Dodeskaden, Dodes'ka-den, Clickety-Clack · drama · Akira Kurosawa · Yoshitaka Zushi · Kin Sugai · Toshiyuki Tonomura.

  • Ervaringen van een groep inwoners van een sloppenwijk in Tokio. Rokkuchan, een jongen met een beperking, brengt structuur in zijn leven door een…

9. Dodesukaden - Dodes'ka-den (1970) Akira Kurosawa - DVDBeaver

  • Yet as desperate as their circumstances are, each of them—the homeless father and son envisioning their dream house; the young woman abused by her uncle; the ...

10. Dodes'ka-den - Now Playing In Theater at Metrograph

  • 1970 / 144min / 35mm ... The subjects of Kurosawa's first color film are confined physically to living in a crude shantytown in a Tokyo rubbish dump, but ...

  • The subjects of Kurosawa’s first color film are confined physically to living in a crude shantytown in a Tokyo rubbish dump, but individually find…

11. Dodes'ka-den (Film) - TV Tropes

  • Dodes'ka-den is a 1970 film from Japan, directed by Akira Kurosawa. It is a grim portrait of grinding poverty. The film spends a few days sketching out the ...

  • Dodes'ka-den is a 1970 film from Japan, directed by Akira Kurosawa. It is a grim portrait of grinding poverty. The film spends a few days sketching out the life stories of the desperate residents living in a garbage dump. Among the plotlines …

12. Something Like a Filmography: Dodes'ka-den (1970) - Cinema Dual

  • 30 dec 2024 · But ultimately there's more that doesn't work than does in Dodes'ka-den. Beyond losing Mifune after Red Beard, this is the first film in forever ...

  • Something Like a Filmography takes a (brief) look at the filmography of Akira Kurosawa. Twice a month, Chris and Jon share their impressions of each film, both on its own terms and in terms of Kuro…

13. Dodes'ka-den movie review (1970) - Roger Ebert

  • Akira Kurosawa of Japan is a great director who finds himself in that dilemma; it's a melancholy fact that the Chicago premiere of his first color film, “Dodes' ...

  • Mediocre filmmakers often continue to work long after their lack of talent has been established because the level of their ambition is low. Great filmmakers,

14. Dodes'ka-den – 1970 Kurosawa - The Cinema Archives

  • 20 aug 2020 · Dodes'ka-den – 1970 Kurosawa · Like Kurosawa's The Lower Depths (1957) this is a film about the slums, a village and community of people at the ...

  • First film in five years off for Kurosawa (Red Beard)- his first in a long time without Mifune (I believe 1952’s Ikiru), first film in color, first film in a long time (since 1957) with the boxier 1.37 : 1 aspect ratio  (no longer the wide Tohoschope here). After the film he’d attempt suicide

15. Dodes'ka-den - BFI Southbank Programme Notes

  • 15 jan 2023 · Japan 1970, 140mins. Director: Akira Kurosawa ... After five years' absence, Kurosawa returned to the cinema with his first colour feature. It was ...

  • After five years’ absence, Kurosawa returned to the cinema with his first colour feature. It was also his first following the end of his collaboration with Toshiro Mifune and the archetypal superma...

16. Dodes'ka-den - The Robert Taylor Odyssey

  • 8 nov 2017 · The Kurosawa Odyssey Year: 1970 Studio: Club of the Four Nights Productions, Toho Studios Screenwriter: Akira Kurosawa, Hideo Oguni and ...

  • The Kurosawa Odyssey Year: 1970 Studio: Club of the Four Nights Productions, Toho Studios Screenwriter: Akira Kurosawa, Hideo Oguni and Shinobu Hasimoto, based on the book by Shugoro Yamamoto Cast:…

17. Watch Dodes'Ka-Den online - BFI Player

  • Akira Kurosawa's first colour film is an eccentric and joyous account of a group of disparate people living in a city dump. Drama 1970 140 mins. Director ...

  • Akira Kurosawa’s first colour film is an eccentric and joyous account of a group of disparate people living in a city dump.

18. Dodes'ka-den (1970) - Cast & Crew — The Movie Database (TMDB)

  • This film follows the daily lives of a group of people barely scraping by in a slum on the outskirts of Tokyo. Yet as desperate as their circumstances are, ...

  • Questo film segue la vita quotidiana di un gruppo di persone che a malapena passano in una baraccopoli alla periferia di Tokyo. Eppure, per quanto disperate siano le loro circostanze, ognuno di loro: il padre e il figlio senzatetto che immaginano la casa dei loro sogni; la giovane maltrattata dallo zio; il ragazzo che si immagina un capotreno, trova ragioni per andare avanti.

19. Film Club: Dodesukaden (1970) - Akira Kurosawa info

  • 1 mei 2014 · Film Club: Dodesukaden (1970) ... After a couple of months with films not directed by Kurosawa, our film club now returns to some more regular ...

  • After a couple of months with films not directed by Kurosawa, our film club now returns to some more regular programming with Kurosawa’s 1970 feature Dodesukaden. Like Sanjuro and Red Beard before it, Dodesukaden is based on a literary work by Shugoro Yamamoto. This time the source is the short story collection A Town Without […]

20. Dodes'ka-den by Akira Kurosawa on VoD - LaCinetek

  • Dodes'ka-den by Akira Kurosawa (1970) available to watch on LaCinetek.

  • Dodes'ka-den by Akira Kurosawa (1970) available to watch on LaCinetek

21. Dodes'ka-den (1970) [Dodesukaden] - Akira Kurosawa - film review

  • Whereas most of Kurosawa's films revolve around a heroic central character (more often than not played by his favourite actor Toshiro Mifune), Dodes'ka-den ...

  • An in-depth review of the film Dodes'ka-den (1970), directed by Akira Kurosawa.

22. Dodeskaden | film by Kurosawa Akira [1970] - Britannica

  • 19 nov 2024 · Other articles where Dodeskaden is discussed: Kurosawa Akira: Later works of Kurosawa Akira: …of his films, Dodesukaden (1970; Dodeskaden).

  • Other articles where Dodeskaden is discussed: Kurosawa Akira: Later works of Kurosawa Akira: …of his films, Dodesukaden (1970; Dodeskaden). His first work in colour, a comedy of poor people living in slums, it recaptured much of the poignancy of his best works but failed financially. The period of personal despondency and artistic silence that followed ended in the mid-1970s when Kurosawa filmed Dersu…

Who Played Dodes'ka-Den (1970)


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Name: Aron Pacocha

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Introduction: My name is Aron Pacocha, I am a happy, tasty, innocent, proud, talented, courageous, magnificent person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.